
DMT GmbH & Co KG
Segment of Hydrogeology and Water Management, Germany

Fig. 1: DMT Company Grounds Essen

DMT with the Headquarter in Essen, Germany, focuses on the markets of plant and process engineering, infrastructure and commodities. Its goal is to achieve sustainable value creation for their customers. Knowledge, digitalization and globalization are the key to this. DMT has a longstanding association with Industry including hydrogeological and water management activities. It serves as the basis for a unique range of expertise and experience for survey, data collection, planning and execution of hydrogeological and hydrological projects worldwide. DMT is leading and contributing to numerous international innovation projects, including projects funded by the European Union (e.g. Research Fund for Coal and Steel RFCS, EIT Raw Materials, Horizon 2020) and the German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF). DMT also supports education projects and capacity building in the industry sector by supporting and contributing to Masters and Doctoral thesis projects and other training initiatives.

Last updated on 22.12.2020